Sunday, March 1, 2009

GonNa CraZY!!!

Mid term Test drive me crazy!!!

Lot of stuff need to be done and im not a robot that do all thing day and night!!!
i need some rest time at least can relax and have fun, and i don't even have the time yet!!!
assignment, tutorial, mid term test, then back to mid term 2 test, then FINAL exam!!!

Is this University life all about, rushing assignment, then exam only, nothing others activities can do arh!!!

tomoro still got accounting 2 test, and i still not yet prepare the slide for tomoro Organization Behavior tutorial presentation.
tomoro gonna be a hard day, my group mate mostly not attending the class as they say need to sleep more so can concerntrate in the mid term....hmmm.....sound a reason for ownself so can sleep longer, what to do haiz.....

So i gonna do all thing and present it tomoro, if not the lecturer will kill all of us.....


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